Istanbul's Lost İsland May Come To Light - Son Dakika

Istanbul's Lost İsland May Come To Light

Istanbul\'s Lost İsland May Come To Light

Istanbul's lost island of Vordonisi has been recently photographed by six divers sent by the Maltepe Municipality.

16.10.2015 15:58
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Istanbul's lost island of Vordonisi has been recently photographed by six divers sent by the Maltepe Municipality. Its purpose: to draw attention to the long-forgotten, sunken island

The historical Vordonisi Island, which is 700 meters away from the Maltepe shore and known as Istanbul's lost island, has been brought to light with the support of the Maltepe Municipality.

Remnants of the island have been recently photographed by an exploration team.

The purpose of the team was to explore the island, which sunk under water during a large Istanbul earthquake in 1010 and neglected ever since, and open it to water tourism.

Speaking during the trip, Maltepe Mayor Ali Kılıç said, "As the local administration, we do our duty to explore the natural beauties in our neighborhood. The Vordonisi Island, which dates back 1,000 years and sunk under water during an earthquake, will provide us both archaeological and seismic information."

Kılıç said the island would contribute to tourism in the district and added, "We will progress until a certain point but we can handle it with the interest of relevant officials. This is a cultural underground mosaic."

The island, which is said to have sunk with a monastery and priests on it, has been photographed by six divers. The team provided the following information about this 10th island of Istanbul:

"It is necessary to conduct scientific research on this island and to examine the condition of rocks. Then its real history can be revealed. We hope this diving will attract attention and the sunken island will be given importance. It is not quite possible to see the monastery, since there are sea creatures on the island. It is known a monastery exists on this island, which is nearly 1,200 year old."

A 100-year-old anchor found by the divers during their research has been delivered to the mayor.

Vordonisi, the "Small Island"

Vordonisi, called the "Small Island" by the Byzantines, "Sunken Monastery Rocks" by the Ottomans and "Bostancı Rocks" by sailors, sank in 1010 during an enormous earthquake in Istanbul with a monastery and priests.

The 10th of the Princes Islands, Büyükada, Heybeli, Burgaz, Kınalı, Sedef, Tavşan, Kaşık, Sivri and Yassı, Vordonisi is known for its monastery, built by Patriarch Photius, who was sent to exile on the island in the Eastern Roman Empire era.

(Photo) - Istanbul

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Istanbul's Lost İsland May Come To Light - Son Dakika

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