4g Tender İn Turkey Delayed For Three Months On Tenderer Demands - Son Dakika

4g Tender İn Turkey Delayed For Three Months On Tenderer Demands

The planned tender for 4G Internet technology has been delayed for three months, on demand of the tenderer companies, the Information and Communications Technologies Authority (BTK) said in a statement on May 15. The BTK announced that the tender will be made on Aug. 26 this year, after a three-month.

15.05.2015 17:03

The planned tender for 4G Internet technology has been delayed for three months, on demand of the tenderer companies, the Information and Communications Technologies Authority (BTK) said in a statement on May 15.

The BTK announced that the tender will be made on Aug. 26 this year, after a three-month delay. The statement said, the delay was decided due on demands of the tenderer companies, that asked for additional time to make the technical and financial arrengements.

In the tender, 20 separate frequency segments were said to be sold at a minimum value of around 2.3 billion euros ($2.45 billion) according to the previous tender announcement.

The announcement follows President Tayyip Erdoğan's harsh criticism of 4G technology, saying Turkey should skip directly from 3G to 5G in two years.

"It is not necessary to waste time with the 4G technologies. We need to move to the 5G technologies instead in two years" Erdoğan said in Ankara on April 21. - Istanbul

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel 4g Tender İn Turkey Delayed For Three Months On Tenderer Demands - Son Dakika

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