Pozole İn A Slow Cooker - Son Dakika

Pozole İn A Slow Cooker

"Easy, authentic Mexican Pozole. You will be glad you took the time. You can make ahead of time and freeze the pork to keep until you're ready to make dinner. Serve with chopped white onion, cilantro, shredded cabbage, lime wedges, and corn tortillas...

05.01.2015 20:00

"Easy, authentic Mexican Pozole. You will be glad you took the time. You can make ahead of time and freeze the pork to keep until you're ready to make dinner. Serve with chopped white onion, cilantro, shredded cabbage, lime wedges, and corn tortillas...

Pozole İn A Slow Cooker
Kaynak: DailyMotion.com

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