Woman Gives Birth İn Taxi, Names Baby 'Uber' - Son Dakika

Woman Gives Birth İn Taxi, Names Baby 'Uber'

A woman who gave birth to a baby in a Uber cab is naming her baby after the taxi service. The driver says assisting in the delivery was the happiest moment of his life! Keleigh Nealon (@keleighnealon) has the story!

15.12.2015 21:43

A woman who gave birth to a baby in a Uber cab is naming her baby after the taxi service. The driver says assisting in the delivery was the happiest moment of his life! Keleigh Nealon (@keleighnealon) has the story!

Woman Gives Birth İn Taxi, Names Baby \'Uber\'
Kaynak: DailyMotion.com

Son Dakika Yaşam Woman Gives Birth İn Taxi, Names Baby 'Uber' - Son Dakika

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