5,000-year-old Undiscovered Site To Be Brought To Light İn Denizli - Son Dakika

5,000-year-old Undiscovered Site To Be Brought To Light İn Denizli

5,000-year-old Undiscovered Site To Be Brought To Light İn Denizli

In Çivril district of western province of Denizli, an ancient habitat was discovered by Ege University excavation team, in Beycesultan Mound located between Menteş and Kocayaka neighbourhoods.

17.08.2015 13:17

In Çivril district of western province of Denizli, an ancient habitat was discovered by Ege University excavation team, in Beycesultan Mound located between Menteş and Kocayaka neighbourhoods. This settlement having been unearthed in eastern cone of the region has not been included to the literature before.

In Beycesultan Mould that has been bringing to light the history of Anatolia from late  Age to late Bronze Age, a total number of 40 culture layers have been unearthed, within the excavation works in the district that had been firstly launched between 1954-59 by British archaeologists. Since 2007, the halted works have been undertaken by Ege University Archaeology Department, by a team of 60 people under the direction of Professor Eşref Abay.

The site has a strategic position due to its natural routings which connect the western coastal and interior regions along with middle and southern districts of Anatolia, according to Professor Abay.

Director of excavation team added that a grand artefact called "the Burned Palace" dating back to the Middle Bronze Age has also been largely brought to light.

The team also have revealed that Beycesultan has been one of the large settlings of the late Bronze Age, where meters-wide streets reaching from west to east had divided the site. Within the excavations, some strongly parcelled two-fold villas have been unearthed, too.

(Photo) - Denizli

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel 5,000-year-old Undiscovered Site To Be Brought To Light İn Denizli - Son Dakika

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