U.S. To Work With Ethiopia To Fight Al Shabab, Declares Obama - Son Dakika

U.S. To Work With Ethiopia To Fight Al Shabab, Declares Obama

– President of the United States Barack Obama announced that his country will fight against the terrorist organization Al Shabab with Ethiopia. In pursuit of his Africa tours' last stop, Ethiopia, Obama gave a press conference with the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn, after his meetings.

27.07.2015 16:22

– President of the United States Barack Obama announced that his country will fight against the terrorist organization Al Shabab with Ethiopia.

In pursuit of his Africa tours' last stop, Ethiopia, Obama gave a press conference with the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn, after his meetings.

President Obama noted that the links between the US and Ethiopia are highly deep and added:

"We have had very productive meetings today. USA will work with Ethiopia to boost the country's economy. We will stand by Ethiopia as the country move forward."

Having pointed to their aim to become a constructive partner to Ethiopia, Obama enounced that they are pushing back against violent extremism, and announced that they will fight the terrorist organization cooperatively. - Ababa

Kaynak: DHA

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