A Night Of Improv With The Clap And Ephemerata - Son Dakika
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A Night Of Improv With The Clap And Ephemerata

Night of Improv with The Clap en Ephemerata at BKM Mutfak Sahne!...The Clap are a wandering bunch of improvisational comedians from around the world who birth new worlds on the spot from their very minds.

19.03.2017 16:04

Night of Improv with The Clap en Ephemerata at BKM Mutfak Sahne!...

The Clap are a wandering bunch of improvisational comedians from around the world who birth new worlds on the spot from their very minds. Taking a one-word suggestion from the audience, the Clap build an elaborate world of interesting characters.

Ephemerata is an improvised play in one act, performed by Curtis Erhart and Tyler Denison. It is completely improvised: no suggestions and no plan sketched out beforehand. By the end of 40 minutes (give or take), Curtis and Tyler will have built a compelling story about the lives of quirky characters and the world which they inhabit.

Detaylar :

İl : İstanbul

İlce : Beşiktaş

Mekan : BKM Mutfak Sahne

Mekan Adresi : Sinanpaşa Mah. Hasfırın Cad. Kazan Sok. No: 3

Başlangıç Saati : 19.03.2017 19: 00: 00

Bitiş Saati : 19.03.2017 21: 00: 00

Kategori : A Night of Improv with The Clap and Ephemerata

Tür : Sahne Sanatları

Ücretlimi? : Hayır

Kaynak: Etkinlik.io

Son Dakika Kültür Sanat A Night Of Improv With The Clap And Ephemerata - Son Dakika

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