Lhf Conference İn Istanbul -Levantines İn The Development Of Pera...- Day 1 - Son Dakika
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Lhf Conference İn Istanbul -Levantines İn The Development Of Pera...- Day 1

Lhf Conference İn Istanbul -Levantines İn The Development Of Pera...- Day 1

The Effects and Contributions of Levantines in the development of Beyoğlu / Pera and Galata Neighbourhoods: A long heritage of Trade, Culture and Arts since 1453Levantenlerin Beyoğlu / Galata mahallelerinin gelişmesine katkı ve etkileri: 1453'ten bu yana süregelen ticari, kültürel ve sanat.

22.09.2016 20:01

The Effects and Contributions of Levantines in the development of Beyoğlu/ Pera and Galata Neighbourhoods: A long heritage of Trade, Culture and Arts since 1453

Levantenlerin Beyoğlu/ Galata mahallelerinin gelişmesine katkı ve etkileri: 1453'ten bu yana süregelen ticari, kültürel ve sanat mirası.

Opening, welcome talks, first day of conference presentations, archive Levantine photo exhibition at the Beyoglu Municipality.

Please reserve tickets if you are certain to attend, and if you then change your mind, do let us know so your place can be given to someone else.

Details of the programme will be released soon.

Kaynak: Etkinlik.io

Son Dakika Kültür Sanat Lhf Conference İn Istanbul -Levantines İn The Development Of Pera...- Day 1 - Son Dakika

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