Turkey's Tourism İncome Rose By 1.3 Percent İn Q1 (2) - Son Dakika

Turkey's Tourism İncome Rose By 1.3 Percent İn Q1 (2)

(adds details.) Turkey's tourism income rose by 1.3 percent to 4.87 billion dollars in the first quarter of the year, against the same period of the previous year, according to the Tourism Statistics data released by Turkstat on Thursday. Total 78.8 percent of the income came from foreign visitors and 21.2 percent from citizens resident abroad. Individual expenditures were at 4.46 billion dollars and package tour expenditures were at 411 million dollars in the same period. In this quarter while average expenditure of the foreigners was at 884 dollars per capita, average expenditure of the Turkish citizens resident abroad was at 994 dollars per capita.

30.04.2015 13:21

(adds details.)

Turkey's tourism income rose by 1.3 percent to 4.87 billion dollars in the first quarter of the year, against the same period of the previous year, according to the Tourism Statistics data released by Turkstat on Thursday.

Total 78.8 percent of the income came from foreign visitors and 21.2 percent from citizens resident abroad. Individual expenditures were at 4.46 billion dollars and package tour expenditures were at 411 million dollars in the same period.

In this quarter while average expenditure of the foreigners was at 884 dollars per capita, average expenditure of the Turkish citizens resident abroad was at 994 dollars per capita.

Number of visitors rose by 5.5 percent to 5.34 million in the first quarter, 80.7 percent of which was foreign tourists and the rest 19.3 percent was Turkish citizens resident abroad.

Tourism expenditure fell by 6.1 percent compared to same quarter of previous year and decline to 1.28 dollars, with 1.03 billion dollars individual expenditures and 254 million dollars packge tour expenditures.

Number of Turkish citizens visited abroad rose by 7.9 percent to 1.87 million with an average expenditure of 688 dollars per capita. - Istanbul

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Turkey's Tourism İncome Rose By 1.3 Percent İn Q1 (2) - Son Dakika

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