3rd International Exhibition On Geometric Patterns İn Islamic Art - Son Dakika
Kültür Sanat

3rd International Exhibition On Geometric Patterns İn Islamic Art

3rd International Exhibition On Geometric Patterns İn Islamic Art

HENDESENis the 3rd international exhibition conducted alongside the 3rd International Workshop on Geometric Patterns in Islamic Art at the Istanbul Design Center between 26 Sept - 09 Oct, 2016. HENDESEN exhibition is open to public and entrance is free of charge. For detailed info:

25.09.2016 14:01


is the 3rd international exhibition conducted alongside the 3rd International Workshop on Geometric Patterns in Islamic Art at the Istanbul Design Center between 26 Sept - 09 Oct, 2016. HENDESEN exhibition is open to public and entrance is free of charge. For detailed info: www.istanbuldesigncenter.org

Kaynak: Etkinlik.io

Son Dakika Kültür Sanat 3rd International Exhibition On Geometric Patterns İn Islamic Art - Son Dakika

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