U.S. Aircrafts Land Onto Turkey's Diyarbakır - Son Dakika

U.S. Aircrafts Land Onto Turkey's Diyarbakır

U.S. Aircrafts Land Onto Turkey\'s Diyarbakır

U.s. has deployed its aircrafts and officers to 8th main jet base in Turkey's southeastern province of Diyarbakır, within air operations to be launched over Syria and Iraq, for emergency cases. Pave Hawk helicopters along with C-130 transport aircrafts adapted to research rescue operations were deployed.

01.10.2015 17:51

U.s. has deployed its aircrafts and officers to 8th main jet base in Turkey's southeastern province of Diyarbakır, within air operations to be launched over Syria and Iraq, for emergency cases.

Pave Hawk helicopters along with C-130 transport aircrafts adapted to research rescue operations were deployed on the air base, while it was declared that the personnel and aircrafts would be used in case of need, when U.S.-led coalition forces are in need for help in Syria and Iraq.

(Photo) - Diyarbakır

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel U.S. Aircrafts Land Onto Turkey's Diyarbakır - Son Dakika

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