Agricultural Products Producer Prices Fell By 1.3 Percent - Son Dakika

Agricultural Products Producer Prices Fell By 1.3 Percent

Agricultural products producer prices fell by 1.30 percent, in December, according to the data released by Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI), on Wednesday. Agricultural products producer prices rose by 6.67 percent in December on annual basis, said in the TSI statement on Producer Price Index of Agricultural.

14.01.2015 17:17

Agricultural products producer prices fell by 1.30 percent, in December, according to the data released by Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI), on Wednesday.

Agricultural products producer prices rose by 6.67 percent in December on annual basis, said in the TSI statement on Producer Price Index of Agricultural Products (PPI).

Prices of agriculture and hunting products fell by 1.51 percent and forestry products fell by 5.52 percent in December on monthly basis, while fishing prices rose by 13.96 percent, over the same period.

Prices of non-perennial crops rose by 0.48 percent and livestock and animal products rose by 0.63 percent, while prices at perennial crops fell by 9.71 percent, on monthly basis in December.

Prices of the citrus fruits from sub - agriculture groups decreased by 6.92 percent, in December, while there were increases for cereals, leguminous crops and oil seeds with 1.15 percent and vegetables and melons, roots and tubers group with 0.69 percent, while rice prices fell by 2.50 percent. - İstanbul

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Agricultural Products Producer Prices Fell By 1.3 Percent - Son Dakika

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