European Green Party slams Israel's settlement policy- Turkish EU Minister Bozkir met Friday with the co-chairs of the European Green Party.By A. Humeyra AtilganISTANBUL (AA) - The co-chair of the European Green Party Reinhard Bütikofer criticized Friday Israel's settlement activity in occupied Palestinian territories."We strongly criticize the settlement policy. At the same time we affirm that Israel's right to a peaceful future should also not be undermined," said Bütikofer.Asked about Wednesday's Israeli incursion in Al-Aqsa, Bütikofer stressed that "there is no room for any provocation from any side."Israeli security forces had raided the mosque in Jerusalem and fired tear gas canisters and rubber bullets Wednesday following clashes with Palestinian protesters. "The Israel government should take it very seriously that Jordan t?h?ought it was necessary to recall its ambassador [from Israel]."He said extremists on both sides should not be allowed to create "additional problems," adding: "We do not have an active peace process; it will be very hard to revive it."Turkish Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Volkan Bozkir met Friday in Istanbul with Monica Frassoni and Reinhard Bütikofer, co-chairs of the European Green Party (EGP), who spoke to the Anadolu Agency.During their meeting with Turkish minister Bozkir, they also discussed the environment, energy, and economy issues, as well as Turkey's EU membership bid, for which the European Greens "repeated the support," said Frassoni. "We think the process is not going fast and I believe that there are responsibilities from both sides," she said. Members of the European Green Party are in Istanbul as part of their 21st council meeting between November 7 and 9. AA
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