5 90's Beauty Products We Still Love Today - Son Dakika

5 90's Beauty Products We Still Love Today

The 90's are known for beanie babies, and grunge clothing, but as far as beauty goes, there were some keepers we still use today. Krystin Goodwin (@krystingoodwin) highlights a few 90's beauty products that survived Y2K.

04.08.2015 12:43

The 90's are known for beanie babies, and grunge clothing, but as far as beauty goes, there were some keepers we still use today. Krystin Goodwin (@krystingoodwin) highlights a few 90's beauty products that survived Y2K.

5 90\'s Beauty Products We Still Love Today
Kaynak: DailyMotion.com

Son Dakika Yaşam 5 90's Beauty Products We Still Love Today - Son Dakika

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