Clinging to life with the Heimlich Maneuver - Son Dakika

Clinging to life with the Heimlich Maneuver

Clinging to life with the Heimlich Maneuver

In IZMIR, a citizen, whose airways were blocked with bread, was saved with the Heimlich maneuver performed by the buffet employee. The man, whose identity could not be learned, came to a kiosk yesterday in Konak district Anafartalar Street and bought water.

18.07.2021 14:32  Güncelleme: 14:36

In IZMIR, a citizen, whose airways were blocked with bread, was saved with the Heimlich maneuver performed by the buffet employee. The man, whose identity could not be learned, came to a kiosk yesterday in Konak district Anafartalar Street and bought water. Suspecting the coughing of the citizen the kiosk employee Hasan S intervened immediately and performed the Heimlich maneuver on choking man. The citizen, who got rid of the bread that blocked his airways, breathed a sigh of relief. Those moments were recorded with a security cam.



The moments of Heimlich maneuver performed by the buffet employee on choking man

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Clinging to life with the Heimlich Maneuver - Son Dakika

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