Daily Hürriyet Files Complaint Against AKP Mp Over Attack On Main Building - Son Dakika

Daily Hürriyet Files Complaint Against AKP Mp Over Attack On Main Building

Lawyers of Turkey's daily Hürriyet has filed complaint against the Justice and Development Party parliamentary deputy and the head of the youth organization, Abdurrahim Boynukalın and his colleauges. Boynukalın has made the comments while leading a mob of 200 protesters in an attack on daily Hürriyet's.

07.09.2015 17:48

Lawyers of Turkey's daily Hürriyet has filed complaint against the Justice and Development Party parliamentary deputy and the head of the youth organization, Abdurrahim Boynukalın and his colleauges.

Boynukalın has made the comments while leading a mob of 200 protesters in an attack on daily Hürriyet's main Office late on Sept. 6, in Istanbul's Bağcılar district.

Hürriyet turned to prosecution and filed complaint against AKP's Istanbul MP and Head of the youth organization, Abdurrahim Boynukalın, along with the members of youth organization who have participated to the violent protest.

The names listed are accused for "causing damage to property", "threatening in attempt to cause fear and panic among the public", "violation of dwelling immunity", commandment" and "threating freedom".

Pro-governmental protesters have pelted building housing of daily Hürriyet with stones, chanted pro-government slogans, and retreated when a police unit arrived at the scene. - Istanbul

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Daily Hürriyet Files Complaint Against AKP Mp Over Attack On Main Building - Son Dakika

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