Explosion Hits Military Vehicle İn Turkey's East - Son Dakika

Explosion Hits Military Vehicle İn Turkey's East

Explosion Hits Military Vehicle İn Turkey\'s East

Suspected members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) detonated an explosive placed on a road in the eastern province of Tunceli as a military vehicle was passing, but no casualties were reported. The explosive placed on the Tunceli-Elazığ road link exploded during the passing of a military.

13.08.2015 10:15

Suspected members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) detonated an explosive placed on a road in the eastern province of Tunceli as a military vehicle was passing, but no casualties were reported.

The explosive placed on the Tunceli- Elazığ road link exploded during the passing of a military vehicle early on Aug. 13. A military vehicle and a civilian vehicle were damaged as a result of the explosion, which also created a four-meter-deep hole in the road.

Reinforcements were deployed to the area, while an operation to apprehend the militants has begun.

(Photo) - Tunceli

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Explosion Hits Military Vehicle İn Turkey's East - Son Dakika

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