Turkish Man Dies After Staying İn Bursa Hospital For 47 Years - Son Dakika

Turkish Man Dies After Staying İn Bursa Hospital For 47 Years

Turkish Man Dies After Staying İn Bursa Hospital For 47 Years

A man who was allowed to stay at a hospital in Turkey's western province of Bursa for 47 years "because he got along well with hospital personnel" has died at the age of 70 at the same hospital. Abdullah Kozan, 70, died in Muradiye State Hospital on Sept. 25 in his room, where he had stayed for the previous.

29.09.2015 15:42

A man who was allowed to stay at a hospital in Turkey's western province of Bursa for 47 years "because he got along well with hospital personnel" has died at the age of 70 at the same hospital.

Abdullah Kozan, 70, died in Muradiye State Hospital on Sept. 25 in his room, where he had stayed for the previous 47 years.

Kozan first went to the Muradiye State Hospital complaining of a headache back in 1978. He also had diabetes and asthma. However, after he got on well with hospital personnel, the hospital administration accepted him as a new patient each time he was discharged due to end of his treatment, saying he was "like a member of the hospital personnel."

Kozan's body was buried in the İnegöl district of Bursa, where he was born.

"We protected him because he had green card [a social security card that used to be given to the lowest income citizens]. But we could not save him after he got worse on the second day of the Eid holiday" said one worker at the hospital.

(Photo) - Bursa

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Turkish Man Dies After Staying İn Bursa Hospital For 47 Years - Son Dakika

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