Feminist Lingerie Brand 'Neon Moon' Wants To Reshape The Industry - Son Dakika

Feminist Lingerie Brand 'Neon Moon' Wants To Reshape The Industry

'Neon Moon' wants to change the lingerie industry by making underwear that fits the woman, not the other way around. Mara Montalbano (@maramontalbano) explains.

25.03.2015 19:13

'Neon Moon' wants to change the lingerie industry by making underwear that fits the woman, not the other way around. Mara Montalbano (@maramontalbano) explains.

Feminist Lingerie Brand \'Neon Moon\' Wants To Reshape The Industry
Kaynak: DailyMotion.com

Son Dakika Yaşam Feminist Lingerie Brand 'Neon Moon' Wants To Reshape The Industry - Son Dakika

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