Robots Turn Tweets İnto 'Thank You' Notes For Military Appreciation Month - Son Dakika

Robots Turn Tweets İnto 'Thank You' Notes For Military Appreciation Month

A snack food company is using robots to turn tweets into handwritten messages for members of the military, in honor of Military Appreciation Month. Johnathan Fernandez (@jthanprime) reports.

07.05.2015 13:13

A snack food company is using robots to turn tweets into handwritten messages for members of the military, in honor of Military Appreciation Month. Johnathan Fernandez (@jthanprime) reports.

Robots Turn Tweets İnto \'Thank You\' Notes For Military Appreciation Month

Son Dakika Yaşam Robots Turn Tweets İnto 'Thank You' Notes For Military Appreciation Month - Son Dakika

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