UK Women Parody 'Tampon Tax' After Parliament Fails To Vote İt Down - Son Dakika

UK Women Parody 'Tampon Tax' After Parliament Fails To Vote İt Down

Women are protesting the so-called “tampon tax" by posting photos satirizing the idea that feminine hygiene products are non-essential "luxury" items. Rachel O'Neill (@rachelmwo) has the story.

29.10.2015 23:53

Women are protesting the so-called “tampon tax" by posting photos satirizing the idea that feminine hygiene products are non-essential "luxury" items. Rachel O'Neill (@rachelmwo) has the story.

UK Women Parody \'Tampon Tax\' After Parliament Fails To Vote İt Down

Son Dakika Yaşam UK Women Parody 'Tampon Tax' After Parliament Fails To Vote İt Down - Son Dakika

Sizin düşünceleriniz neler ?'da yer alan yorumlar, kullanıcıların kişisel görüşlerini yansıtır ve'un editöryal politikası ile örtüşmeyebilir. Yorumların hukuki sorumluluğu tamamen yazarlarına aittir.
