In Hatay border province, all parts of German patriot air and missile defense system have been loaded in a Danish ro-ro ship named 'Britannia Seaways', on Dec. 21.
German patriot defense system was set to be withdrawn as its year of term has terminated.
The patriot was demounted today from Kahramanmaraş and carried to İskenderun district of Hatay, where the Danish ro-ro ship has been waiting around 10 days to take the defense system that is composed of 380 parts.
The ro-ro ship is expected to leave Hatay ports en route to Germany, after procedures are completed, with 250 German military officers.
The German patriot was deployed to Gazi Barracks in Kahramanmaraş province in Jan. 2013, after Turkey's appeal to NATO, against missile attack threats from Syria.
The patriot's year of term has terminated last month, with a military ceremony held in the barracks.
(Photo) - Hatay
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