Special Vehicle Against Cbrn Attacks From Otokar - Son Dakika

Special Vehicle Against Cbrn Attacks From Otokar

Otokar company, joining the International Defense Industry Fair organized in TÜYAP Fair Center, displayed its new palletized armored battle vehicle Tulpar-S for the first time, with Arma 8x8 CBRN Exploration vehicle, developed against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats.

08.05.2015 12:24

Otokar company, joining the International Defense Industry Fair organized in TÜYAP Fair Center, displayed its new palletized armored battle vehicle Tulpar-S for the first time, with Arma 8x8 CBRN Exploration vehicle, developed against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats.

Otokar, developing vehicles of land defense systems, joined the fair with their 18 distinguished military vehicles. They expanded their palletized armored vehicle family with Tulpar-S. New compact member of the palletized armored vehicles family, Tulpar-S got introduced first time in the fair.

Tulpar-S is designed as a vehicle with superior movement capabilities, high ballistic and mine defense, and modern, flexible electronic architecture. Tulpar-S, suitable for many tasks like weapon and personnel transfers, is a modular platform having different configurations suitable for various objectives when needed.

With its large internal volume with high capacity and flexible architecture, it is ready to answer armor and mission equipment needs that can occur in the future too. It also draws attention with the superior movement ability, firepower and survival capabilities.

Arma 8x8 discovery vehicle was designed to perform various objectives such as to observe locations of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear strikes and risks; to collect information on a specific spot or an area; to make detailed analysis on infected or probably dangerous places.

The vehicle enables the personnel to perceive the chemical contamination in air and soil during discovery missions. Its analysis assays biological, nuclear and radiological contamination and warns personnel, also doing the meteorological calculations, all without being effected by any chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear attacks and threats.

Including the driver, ARMA 8x8 CBRN Discovery Vehicle can carry 6 people and with its high protection level as well as defending against possible other threats with weapon system with an integrated remote control.

Otokar participated the fair with 18 vehicles, Mustafa Bakırcı, Deputy General Manager responsible for tanks and armored vehicles, said and gave the following information:

"One of the new vehicles we launched for the first time is CBRN discovery vehicle Arma 8x8. This utmost advanced vehicle inspects around, collects samples by the robotic arms without projecting any harm to personnel it carries inside, reviews these samples and reports it to center immediately, calculates contaminations in the air and where it is headed by the wind. If the contamination is not on land but in the atmosphere, it adds these results to digital map to send to the headquarters. This is designed solely by Otokar. The personnel can sleep and fulfil their needs inside. We exported a smaller version of this vehicle to Slovenia. That version is being used there by NATO troops. Now, as this vehicle is being prepared only for Turkish Armed Forces, we do not plan to export. Turkish Armed Forces has a great public opinion in the world. All potential foreign customers are awaiting the action of Turkish Armed Forces. Everyone is waiting gingerly for this tender bid."

Tulpar-S was a version of Tulpar with amphibian features added, he said. "It is a lighter vehicle than Tulpar, carrying a weapon on top. As an amphibian, it can move both on land and sea. It is an uttermost light-weight and ballistic protected vehicle. It is specially developed for a defense industry bid that has been going on. This is the special edition of Tulpar. The integrated arms system on top has antitank systems and is developed with one of the precious companies of Turkey, ASELSAN; we are in the process of bidding for the tender" he added. - Istanbul

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Special Vehicle Against Cbrn Attacks From Otokar - Son Dakika

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