Tencent Shares Drop After China Blocks A Video Game - Son Dakika

Tencent Shares Drop After China Blocks A Video Game

– China's internet company Tencent shares fell more than 4 percent after China blocked a popular game called "Monster Hunter: Wold".

14.08.2018 10:50

– China's internet company Tencent shares fell more than 4 percent after China blocked  a popular game called "Monster Hunter: Wold".

According to a report by CNBC, a statement posted in on WeGame's website – the game distribution platform of Tencent - said the game was no longer on sale as its contents didn't meet regulatory requirements.

"Monster Hunter: World" was created by Japanese video games Publisher Capcom. In the game, players hunt down monsters in various map they either do that alone or by joining online games of up to four people.

Tencent also announced that players who have already bought the game can get a full refund in five business days if they apply by August 20. - Varan

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Tencent Shares Drop After China Blocks A Video Game - Son Dakika

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