Turkish Police Kill Suspected Is Suicide Bomber - Son Dakika

Turkish Police Kill Suspected Is Suicide Bomber

Turkish Police Kill Suspected Is Suicide Bomber

A suspected Islamic State (IS) militant who was believed to be planning a suicide bomb attack in the capital Ankara, was shot dead by the police early on Wednesday. A counter terror squad had tracked the suspect to the ninth floor of a building on the outskirts of Ankara, where he was killed in a gunfight.

19.10.2016 10:22

A suspected Islamic State (IS) militant who was believed to be planning a suicide bomb attack in the capital Ankara, was shot dead by the police early on Wednesday.

A counter terror squad had tracked the suspect to the ninth floor of a building on the outskirts of Ankara, where he was killed in a gunfight at around 3 a.m. after opening fire in response to a police call to surrender, Governor Ercan Topaca told reporters.

Topaca said, police found explosive materials at the scene and there were suspicions that the suspect planned to target public ceremonies in the capital. He said the man was registered in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır and was born in 1992.


- Ankara

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Turkish Police Kill Suspected Is Suicide Bomber - Son Dakika

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