Heaven In 6,5 Inch Square Kitabı - Son Dakika
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Heaven In 6,5 Inch Square Kitabı

Heaven In 6,5 Inch Square Kitabı

Heaven In 6,5 Inch Square Kitabı kitabının yazarları, yayınevi, baskı tarihi ve diğer tüm bilgileri. Heaven In 6,5 Inch Square Kitabı kitabının kısa özeti.

06.02.2014 16:30

Was I looking for heaven?

Or maybe my heaven was looking for me...

What about you? What about the person

standing just next to you?

Do they have their own version of heaven?

Is it the same for everyone?

Or is it a different story for each one of us?

Is it a place, a memory, a letter, a rhythm

or just a portion of your mind?

29 stories... 29 pieces of heaven

Maybe yours is in a sentence sitting around in these pages... Or maybe it is still out there... waiting to be caught.

(Arka Kapak)

Yazar: Ceylan İnsel

Yayınevi: Medigen Yayınları

ISBN: 9799759838606

Boyut: 16.0x16.0

Sayfa Sayısı: 98

Basım Yılı: 2005

Cilt Durumu: Ciltsiz

Kağıt Türü: Kuşe

Dil: İngilizce

Kaynak: Haberler.Com

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