Florida Man Steals From Lawyer At A Courthouse, Promptly Gets Arrested - Son Dakika

Florida Man Steals From Lawyer At A Courthouse, Promptly Gets Arrested

Two opposing lawyers teamed up to chase after an iPhone thief. Gillian Pensavalle (@GillianWithaG) has the details of a buddy-lawyer movie in the making.

05.11.2015 00:03

Two opposing lawyers teamed up to chase after an iPhone thief. Gillian Pensavalle (@GillianWithaG) has the details of a buddy-lawyer movie in the making.

Florida Man Steals From Lawyer At A Courthouse, Promptly Gets Arrested
Kaynak: DailyMotion.com

Son Dakika Yaşam Florida Man Steals From Lawyer At A Courthouse, Promptly Gets Arrested - Son Dakika

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