Handcuffed Suspect Flees İn Police Cruiser - Son Dakika

Handcuffed Suspect Flees İn Police Cruiser

Roxanne Rimer was arrested for shoplifting, but was later charged with a lot more after she tried to flee in a police cruiser while her hands were still cuffed behind her back. Mara Montalbano (@maramontalbano) shows us.

29.01.2015 07:14

Roxanne Rimer was arrested for shoplifting, but was later charged with a lot more after she tried to flee in a police cruiser while her hands were still cuffed behind her back. Mara Montalbano (@maramontalbano) shows us.

Handcuffed Suspect Flees İn Police Cruiser
Kaynak: DailyMotion.com

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