Ny Jets Unveil New Food Monstrosities İncluding $50 Giant Bagel - Son Dakika

Ny Jets Unveil New Food Monstrosities İncluding $50 Giant Bagel

The NFL's New York Jets are unveiling their new Jumbo Jet food series. It includes a breakfast sandwich, a 28 inch sausage and a huge pretzel. They say they could feed 4-6 but Patrick Jones (@Patrick_E_Jones) says c'mon.

17.09.2015 21:43

The NFL's New York Jets are unveiling their new Jumbo Jet food series. It includes a breakfast sandwich, a 28 inch sausage and a huge pretzel. They say they could feed 4-6 but Patrick Jones (@Patrick_E_Jones) says c'mon.

Ny Jets Unveil New Food Monstrosities İncluding $50 Giant Bagel
Kaynak: DailyMotion.com

Son Dakika Yaşam Ny Jets Unveil New Food Monstrosities İncluding $50 Giant Bagel - Son Dakika

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