Dogs Hosed To Be Refreshed İn Tekirdağ's Shelter - Son Dakika

Dogs Hosed To Be Refreshed İn Tekirdağ's Shelter

In northwestern province of Tekirdağ that the heat wave accross the country has also stroke, 350 dogs that have been affected by the weather conditions were hosed over to be cooled down, at an animal shelter in Hıdırağa neighbourhood of Çorlu District. "Every day in different hours our carers hose the.

28.07.2015 17:14

In northwestern province of Tekirdağ that the heat wave accross the country has also stroke, 350 dogs that have been affected by the weather conditions were hosed over to be cooled down, at an animal shelter in Hıdırağa neighbourhood of Çorlu District.

"Every day in different hours our carers hose the dogs. Also our shelter has a canal through which water passes 24 hours a day. The dogs get in the water and refresh themselves too" said veterinary surgeon Ahmet Çavdar, serving under the Çorlu Municipality.

Video Stream


Images of dogs

Images of dogs while being hosed

Footages from the shelter

DHA FEED - Tekirdağ

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Dogs Hosed To Be Refreshed İn Tekirdağ's Shelter - Son Dakika

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