Emergency Line, Task Force To Catch "Rebel Sacrificials" On Streets - Son Dakika

Emergency Line, Task Force To Catch "Rebel Sacrificials" On Streets

Emergency Line, Task Force To Catch "Rebel Sacrificials" On Streets

– As the Muslim festival of sacrifice approaches, a special "task force" was formed to catch the "rebel sacrificials" fleeing, hitting the streets and creating chaos across the country, while an emergency line called "Hello, my sacrificial fled" became a part of this "proactive and cooperative" mechanism.

18.09.2015 16:35

– As the Muslim festival of sacrifice approaches, a special "task force" was formed to catch the "rebel sacrificials" fleeing, hitting the streets and creating chaos across the country, while an emergency line called "Hello, my sacrificial fled" became a part of this "proactive and cooperative" mechanism.

The implementation was formed in Sarıoğlan district of Central Anatolian province of Kayseri, upon the rising demands, told Mayor Ali Osman Yıldız.

While three mobile numbers along with the number of a veterinary surgeon was offered to the inhabitants within the mechanism, a "task force" will be intervening with medicated pricks upon calls. This new implementation is expected to preclude accidents and injuries.

(Photo) - Kayseri

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Emergency Line, Task Force To Catch 'Rebel Sacrificials' On Streets - Son Dakika

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