Floating Human Peace Sign İn Marmara Sea Breaks Guinness Record - Son Dakika

Floating Human Peace Sign İn Marmara Sea Breaks Guinness Record

Floating Human Peace Sign İn Marmara Sea Breaks Guinness Record

Municipality of Mudanya district of western Bursa province, organised an activity to break Guiness record of "biggest floating human peace sign" with 460 people. The group, which came together in Bursa's Mudanya municipality on Aug. 30 as part of Turkey's 93rd Victory Day celebrations, entered the Marmara.

31.08.2015 12:36

Municipality of Mudanya district of western Bursa province, organised an activity to break Guiness record of "biggest floating human peace sign" with 460 people.

The group, which came together in Bursa's Mudanya municipality on Aug. 30 as part of Turkey's 93rd Victory Day celebrations, entered the Marmara Sea from the Kumyaka beach, formed the peace sign and remained still in the water for five minutes in order to secure the record.

Their attempt was registered as the "world's biggest peace sign" by the Guinness representative in Turkey, referee Şeyda Subaşı Gemici. Gemici presented the record registration document to Mudanya Mayor Hayri Türkyılmaz after the successful attempt.

Commenting on the event, Türkyılmaz invited all people in the world to be more sensitive toward "peace." Previously, the Guinness World Record for the biggest floating peace sign was set in Jordan, where 262 people remained floating for nearly 10 minutes off the shore of the Dead Sea in 2014.

(Photo) - Bursa

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Floating Human Peace Sign İn Marmara Sea Breaks Guinness Record - Son Dakika

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