Video) "To Hush The Music İs To Stop The Living" Says Turkey's Artists Amid Violence Outbreak - Son Dakika

Video) "To Hush The Music İs To Stop The Living" Says Turkey's Artists Amid Violence Outbreak

– Turkey's artists launched a video campaign under the theme "Let the music last" on social media. Within the campaign of the Music Association of Interpreters (MÜYORBİR), famous artists urged "Music is embodiment of life. People express their joy and even cure their pain through music. Music is an anthem,

12.08.2015 10:23

– Turkey's artists launched a video campaign under the theme "Let the music last" on social media.

Within the campaign of the Music Association of Interpreters (MÜYORBİR), famous artists urged "Music is embodiment of life. People express their joy and even cure their pain through music. Music is an anthem, a requiem, dance, shortly music is life, it is human."

Some of the artists that supported the campaign by the videos they have taken are well-known singers, Burhan Şeşen, Edip Akbayram, Belkıs Akkale, Kubat, Onur Akın, Hüseyin Turan, Tolga Sağ, Eda- Metin Özülkü, Suavi, Funda Arar, İrem Derici, Hakan Aysev, Zara, Rojin, Suzan Kardeş, Aysun Kocatepe, Ali Kocatepe, Özlem Özdil, Abdurrahman Tarikçi, Zeliha Sunal, Baha Boduroğlu, Mehmet Gümüş, Haluk Özkan, Aynur Aydın, Vedat Sakman, Zeynep Önkaya, Serkan Çağrı, Fide Köksal, Feryal Öney, Mazlum Çimen, Bora Öztoprak ve Rıza Esendemir, along with comedian Demet Akbağ known from her performance in Cannes Palme d'Or awarded "Winter Sleep".

The campaign also calls authorities to declare national mourning across Turkey, amid terror attacks, through social media.

Video Stream


- Campaign clip of Turkey's artists

DHA FEED - Istanbul

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Video) 'To Hush The Music İs To Stop The Living' Says Turkey's Artists Amid Violence Outbreak - Son Dakika

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