Do-254 Intermedıate / Advanced Short Course - Son Dakika
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Do-254 Intermedıate / Advanced Short Course

Do-254 Intermedıate / Advanced Short Course


24.10.2016 20:05

DO-254 INTERMEDIATE - ADVANCED SHORT COURSECROWNE PLAZA HOTEL, ANKARA, TURKEYOCT 25, 2016 : 13: 30 - 17: 30OCT 26, 2016 : 09: 00 - 17: 30

Since DO-254 was released over a decade ago, the knowledge of hardware development processes, techniques, and strategies for safety-critical hardware has vastly changed and in some cases improved.  However, there is a large gap between understanding the real intent of DO-254 certification and the minimalist words in the guideline itself. And there has been massive "evolution" between what the Book says, and what Certification Authorities look for. Just as commercial hardware development techniques have advanced, so has the world of aviation hardware development and certification. This Intermediate/ Advanced DO-254 training will provide important knowledge for attendees to rise to, understand, and apply those advancements and new hardware certification requirements for FAA, EASA and worldwide certification agencies.  This Intermediate/ Advanced DO-254 training is intended for persons with basic familiarity of DO-254, DO-178, or safety-critical standards.


Quick refresher on basic DO-254 and "how" DO-254 is applied to advanced avionicsUnderstanding CAST-27 and AC 20-152 and related EASA certification requirementsUnderstanding actual hardware DO-254 requirements with actual case studyAdvanced analysis, element analysis, and structural coverage for hardware logicUnderstanding System versus Hardware requirementsUnderstanding the avionics development ecosystem: DO-254 relationship to Safety, Environmental Testing (DO-160) and SoftwareActual hardware PHAC review checklist walkthroughActual hardware HWPA ("Process/Quality Assurance") review checklist walkthroughRepresentative SOI audits for Hardware – what are they for #1, 2, 3, and 4Hardware Requirements Validation – what is involvedApplying DO-254 to Military AND Commercial usage; differences between Commercial versus MilitaryUnderstanding advanced DO-254 mistakes Understanding DO-254 Best Practices to be more efficientControlling engineering cost/risks with DO-254 Requirements, Design, and Logic



Son Dakika Kültür Sanat Do-254 Intermedıate / Advanced Short Course - Son Dakika

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