Airbnb Users Admit To Hooking Up With The People They Stay With - Son Dakika

Airbnb Users Admit To Hooking Up With The People They Stay With

Airbnb is known help travelers to hook up with open rooms, but now it seems some are using it to hook with the people they stay with. Mara Montalbano (@Maramontalbano) has the story.

30.11.2015 12:13

Airbnb is known help travelers to hook up with open rooms, but now it seems some are using it to hook with the people they stay with. Mara Montalbano (@Maramontalbano) has the story.

Airbnb Users Admit To Hooking Up With The People They Stay With

Son Dakika Yaşam Airbnb Users Admit To Hooking Up With The People They Stay With - Son Dakika

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