Why İs This Nfl Defensive Tackle Moonlighting As An 'Uber Driver'? - Son Dakika

Why İs This Nfl Defensive Tackle Moonlighting As An 'Uber Driver'?

It may be off-season, but the Miami Dolphin's A.J. Francis is still hard at work. Colleen Hagerty (@colleenhagerty) has the story about his new gig as an Uber driver.

12.06.2015 03:23

It may be off-season, but the Miami Dolphin's A.J. Francis is still hard at work. Colleen Hagerty (@colleenhagerty) has the story about his new gig as an Uber driver.

Why İs This Nfl Defensive Tackle Moonlighting As An \'Uber Driver\'?
Kaynak: DailyMotion.com

Son Dakika Yaşam Why İs This Nfl Defensive Tackle Moonlighting As An 'Uber Driver'? - Son Dakika

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