Woman Breaks İnto Martha's Vineyard Home And Has Yard Sale - Son Dakika

Woman Breaks İnto Martha's Vineyard Home And Has Yard Sale

Cops say Michelle Filkins decided to take up residence in a vacation home in Martha's Vineyard and have a yard sale with all the owners possessions. Keri Lumm (@thekerilumm) reports.

29.04.2015 19:12

Cops say Michelle Filkins decided to take up residence in a vacation home in Martha's Vineyard and have a yard sale with all the owners possessions. Keri Lumm (@thekerilumm) reports.

Woman Breaks İnto Martha\'s Vineyard Home And Has Yard Sale
Kaynak: DailyMotion.com

Son Dakika Yaşam Woman Breaks İnto Martha's Vineyard Home And Has Yard Sale - Son Dakika

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