4 Syrians Detained After The Migrant Tragedy İn Muğla Killing 12 - Son Dakika

4 Syrians Detained After The Migrant Tragedy İn Muğla Killing 12

4 Syrians Detained After The Migrant Tragedy İn Muğla Killing 12

4 Syrians detained after the migrant tragedy in Muğla killing 12 VIDEO YOK Osman Uras / Bodrum, Sep 3 (DHA) - Four people of Syrian origin have been detained by the Bodrum District Police Department Directorate of anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime Branch in Aegean as the alleged organizers, where 12.

03.09.2015 17:36

4 Syrians detained after the migrant tragedy in Muğla killing 12


Osman Uras/ Bodrum, Sep 3 (DHA) - Four people of Syrian origin have been detained by the Bodrum District Police Department Directorate of anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime Branch in Aegean as the alleged organizers, where 12 migrants including eight children have drowned on Sep. 2 after their boats sank off the coast of Muğla province.

The suspects are expected to be forwarded to the courthouse, after the ongoing interrogation and necessary procedures, in accusations of 'causing death of more than one person by conscious negligence' and 'migrant smuggling?.

Security teams, on the other hand has launched an operation in Gümbet beach in the region on Aug 25, and forwarded four suspects including a one of Syrian origin among them, on Sep 3.

Video Stream

Suspects being forwarded to the courthouse

Court House in Bodrum

(Tür: English News)

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel 4 Syrians Detained After The Migrant Tragedy İn Muğla Killing 12 - Son Dakika

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