Exclusive Edition Releases Mustafa Koç's Family Photos, Stories - Son Dakika

Exclusive Edition Releases Mustafa Koç's Family Photos, Stories

Exclusive Edition Releases Mustafa Koç\'s Family Photos, Stories

Corporate magazine published by Turkey's largest conglomerate Koç Holding released a special edition for Mustafa Koç, the chairman of Koç Holding who died of a heart attack on Jan. 21. Sequences from Mustafa Koç's childhood and life were shared with the audience, with exclusive pictures, stories and.

04.03.2016 11:53

Corporate magazine published by Turkey's largest conglomerate Koç Holding released a special edition for Mustafa Koç, the chairman of Koç Holding who died of a heart attack on Jan. 21.

Sequences from Mustafa Koç's childhood and life were shared with the audience, with exclusive pictures, stories and interviews.

"Mustafa Koç's funeral has united people who knew him or not around his beliefs and values, as he did in his life" said a "e in the special edition.

A statement of Mustafa Koç marked the exclusive edition, urging "We all have limited time in the world, and we should encourage each other to live this life as fully as possible".

"A crucial point that family companies should make a part of their culture is corporateness. Koç Holding has been one of the first companies that has taken the necessary steps to achieve these standards in corporate management" he has said.

Born in 1960, Koç was educated in the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz in Switzerland and graduated from George Washington University in 1984. As third generation member of Koç family, he was appointed president of Koç Holding in 2003, replacing his retired father Rahmi Koç.

(Photo) - Istanbul

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Exclusive Edition Releases Mustafa Koç's Family Photos, Stories - Son Dakika

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