"Problem of varicose veins can be solved to 99 percent with painless laser treatment" - Son Dakika

"Problem of varicose veins can be solved to 99 percent with painless laser treatment"

"Problem of varicose veins can be solved to 99 percent with painless laser treatment"

Expressing that varicose veins occur with genetic susceptibility or triggering factors, Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Bora Farsak stated that a 99 percent solution to the problem of varicose veins can be provided with laser treatment, which is a closed surgery.

17.11.2021 16:43  Güncelleme: 16:49

Expressing that varicose veins occur with genetic susceptibility or triggering factors, Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Bora Farsak stated that a 99 percent solution to the problem of varicose veins can be provided with laser treatment, which is a closed surgery.

Stating that patients should not be afraid of this method, Prof. Dr. Farsak said, "We perform the surgery without cuts, blood, general anesthesia, hospitalization, aches and pains. Patient arrives on foot, gets treatment then can go home on foot the same day."

In the presence of risk factors, veins that work passively against gravity expand and varicose veins appear in the body. Expressing that varicose is seen due to genetic susceptibility and triggering factors, Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Bora Farsak emphasized that triggering factors are; gender, pregnancy, standing or sitting for a long time, gaining weight, smoking, wearing high heels. Prof. Dr. Farsak said that not only in the feet and legs but varicose can also occur in the genital area, abdomen, and that the hemorrhoid is actually a varicose vein. "It is treated in two different ways. One is the treatment for serious health problems and the other is a cosmetic treatment. Cosmetic treatment is usually preferred by people who are disturbed by visible capillaries" said Prof. Dr. Farsak stating that varicose veins can occur at any age.


Stating that varicose veins are more common in women, Prof. Dr. Bora Farsak said that this risk increases with hormonal effects and birth as well as genetic susceptibility. Prof. Dr. Farsak added, "The incidence of varicose veins in people in their 30s is 30 percent. The vast majority of them are women. Giving birth is the main reason for this. The incidence of varicose veins in people in their 70s is around 70 percent. The main reason for this is tissue aging and gravity. The rate of varicose veins seen in men is much less than in women. It can also be seen in young people, but if there is no genetic susceptibility, the rate is quite low."


Expressing that the complaints of varicose veins increase in the summer months, Prof. Dr. Farsak said that the pain and edema in the enlarged veins were felt more. Stating that there is no seasonal dominance or effect in neither surgery nor needle treatment, Prof. Dr. Farsak said "However, some patients prefer winter months for treatment because of bruises, small clots and socks to be worn."


If a first or second-degree varicose problem is detected in a patient as a result of ultrasonography, the patient is given medication or stocking treatment. In addition, foam or needle treatment is given to patients who complain about the appearance of the veins. Emphasizing that in patients with third and fourth-degree varicose veins, and if the vessel diameter exceeds certain standards, Prof. Dr. Farsak said that he offered the patient a recommendation to close the veins with a laser.


Stating that invasive surgery is rarely used nowadays, Prof. Dr. Farsak said," The success rate in laser treatment is 99 percent. In cosmetic treatment, there is no such thing as resetting the problem. A success rate of 70-80 percent is achieved. After the treatment, there is no possibility of recurrence of the problem in both. Laser treatment today is a miracle. Because the patient is treated without general anesthesia, hospitalization, loss of work-power, bleeding, aches and pains. So, patients do not need to be afraid of the treatment. Patients can come, get the treatment and then go on foot."

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel 'Problem of varicose veins can be solved to 99 percent with painless laser treatment' - Son Dakika

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