Central Bank Keeps Policy Rate Unchanged At 7.5 Percent, Dollar Exceeds 2.93 Liras - Son Dakika

Central Bank Keeps Policy Rate Unchanged At 7.5 Percent, Dollar Exceeds 2.93 Liras

(updates) Central Bank of Turkey's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has decided to keep the policy rate unchanged at 7.50 percent, despite expected increase by 0.50.Following the decision of Central Bank to keep policy rate unchanged, dollar exceeded 2.93 liras. The Committee also kept other short term.

22.12.2015 14:11


Central Bank of Turkey's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has decided to keep the policy rate unchanged at 7.50 percent, despite expected increase by 0.50.Following the decision of Central Bank to keep policy rate unchanged, dollar exceeded 2.93 liras.

The Committee also kept other short term rates unchanged, marginal funding rate at 10.75 percent, and borrowing rate at 7.25 percent, said in the statement released by the Central Bank on Dec. 22. - Istanbul

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Central Bank Keeps Policy Rate Unchanged At 7.5 Percent, Dollar Exceeds 2.93 Liras - Son Dakika

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