54 Package Delivery Workers Hospitalized Over Chemical Leak From Package İn Turkey - Son Dakika

54 Package Delivery Workers Hospitalized Over Chemical Leak From Package İn Turkey

Fifty-four workers for a package delivery company in the northwestern province of İzmit have been hospitalized after suspected poisoning, following a chemical leak from a package. Workers at a package delivery company in Başiskele district experienced difficulty in breathing after a package containing.

10.12.2015 19:21

Fifty-four workers for a package delivery company in the northwestern province of İzmit have been hospitalized after suspected poisoning, following a chemical leak from a package.

Workers at a package delivery company in Başiskele district experienced difficulty in breathing after a package containing sodium benzoate burst open in the factory.

The workplace was evacuated after the chemical spread.

Ambulances were dispatched to the company and the workers were taken to the Derince Education and Research Hospital for treatment. The workers were admitted to the hospital's Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) center, where special measures were taken.

The hospital cleaned the workers of chemical remnants and distributed fresh clothing to affected individuals, while blood samples were taken.

The chief physician at the hospital, Dr Soner Şahin, announced that 40 workers had been discharged, while the treatment of 14 patients is ongoing. - İzmit

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel 54 Package Delivery Workers Hospitalized Over Chemical Leak From Package İn Turkey - Son Dakika

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