United States: "More Days With Mass Shooting Than Not" - Son Dakika

United States: "More Days With Mass Shooting Than Not"

United States: "More Days With Mass Shooting Than Not"

A graphic showed U.S. citizens had more days with mass shootings than not during 2015, according to a report by the New York Times. The report, based on data released by Mass Shooting Tracker, shows that in 209 out of 336 days, at least one shooting left four or more people injured or dead in the U.S.

03.12.2015 19:16

A graphic showed U.S. citizens had more days with mass shootings than not during 2015, according to a report by the New York Times.

The report, based on data released by Mass Shooting Tracker, shows that in 209 out of 336 days, at least one shooting left four or more people injured or dead in the U.S. The data is derived from news reports pointing to compilations of incidents.

A man and a woman, most recently have shooted that killed 14 people in California, on Dec. 2. The heavily armed shooters have targeted a party at a social services building in San Bernardino.

(Graphic) - York

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel United States: 'More Days With Mass Shooting Than Not' - Son Dakika

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