Turkey's Unemployment Rate Rose By 0.5 Pct. Point To 9.3 Pct. İn May - Son Dakika

Turkey's Unemployment Rate Rose By 0.5 Pct. Point To 9.3 Pct. İn May

Turkey's unemployment rate rose by 0.5 percentage points to 9.3 percent in May perdiod, including April, May and June, on annual basis, according to the data released by Turkstat on Monday. Number of unemployed persons aged 15 years old and over has realized as 2 million 789 thousand persons with 238.

17.08.2015 10:12

Turkey's unemployment rate rose by 0.5 percentage points to 9.3 percent in May perdiod, including April, May and June, on annual basis, according to the data released by Turkstat on Monday.

Number of unemployed persons aged 15 years old and over has realized as 2 million 789 thousand persons with 238 thousand persons increased in the period of May 2015 in Turkey compared to the same period of the previous year.

In the same period, non-agricultural unemployment rate realized as 11.4 percent with 0.7 percentage point increase.

While youth unemployment rate including 15-24 age group realized as 17 percent with 1.2 percentage point increase, unemployment rate for 15-64 age group occured as 9.5 percent with 0.6 percentage point increase. - Istanbul

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Turkey's Unemployment Rate Rose By 0.5 Pct. Point To 9.3 Pct. İn May - Son Dakika

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