Dust Cloud Creep Over Turkey's Hatay Though Syria Border - Son Dakika

Dust Cloud Creep Over Turkey's Hatay Though Syria Border

Dust Cloud Creep Over Turkey\'s Hatay Though Syria Border

– Clouds of dust coming through Syria to Turkey's southeastern border town of Hatay affected the inhabitants in province. Range of visibility dropped to 10 meters in traffic and people has hard time to breath, following the dust cloud that has particularly affected Reyhanlı, Antakya and Defne districts.

07.09.2015 16:07

– Clouds of dust coming through Syria to Turkey's southeastern border town of Hatay affected the inhabitants in province.

Range of visibility dropped to 10 meters in traffic and people has hard time to breath, following the dust cloud that has particularly affected Reyhanlı, Antakya and Defne districts.

The town was coloured almost in ash gray. Residents with heart and sythm diseases were warned to avoid leaving their houses.

(Photo) - Hatay

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Dust Cloud Creep Over Turkey's Hatay Though Syria Border - Son Dakika

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