Women İn Turkey Work For Self-confidence, Not Only For Financial Obligations" - Son Dakika

Women İn Turkey Work For Self-confidence, Not Only For Financial Obligations"

Confidence and financial freedom of women, thus contrary to beliefs, women do not work merely because of financial obligation. Therefore, according to the research, policies accentuating the power of work life to develop women' self-confidence and bound them with the market of work force. The report.

04.08.2015 17:03

Confidence and financial freedom of women, thus contrary to beliefs, women do not work merely because of financial obligation.

Therefore, according to the research, policies accentuating the power of work life to develop women' self-confidence and bound them with the market of work force.

The report revealed by Professors Hande Paker, Gökçe Uysal and Melike Kökkızıl also marks that women in Turkey put distance to business life as a result of the perception and practices promoting gender roles, identifying women with the home and child care.

According to the report, only one woman among three has a position within the workforce market. The findings also show that the reason of low woman workforce rate signifies one of the most important structural flaws of the market.

For instance, in 2014 women labour force has merely reached the level of 30 percent, against other countries with similar level of development, and this gap is larger for women with a high school degree. In Turkey, the proportion of labour force activity shows 72.4 percent, even for women holding bachelors degree, while this rate come up to 82.7 in Greece, 86.2 in Spain, 90.2 in Sweden.

Betam's research offers significant findings on a fairly unexplored research topic; the work life of women with high educational background, their perception of business life, and their reasons to work. - Istanbul

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Women İn Turkey Work For Self-confidence, Not Only For Financial Obligations' - Son Dakika

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