Thieves Snatch $141k Left Behind By Forgetful Atm Workers - Son Dakika

Thieves Snatch $141k Left Behind By Forgetful Atm Workers

Police say ATM workers inadvertently left a bag containing more than $141,000 by the side of the road, which was subsequently snatched up by thieves. Jen Markham (@jenmarkham) has the story.

29.07.2015 14:58

Police say ATM workers inadvertently left a bag containing more than $141,000 by the side of the road, which was subsequently snatched up by thieves. Jen Markham (@jenmarkham) has the story.

Thieves Snatch $141k Left Behind By Forgetful Atm Workers

Son Dakika Yaşam Thieves Snatch $141k Left Behind By Forgetful Atm Workers - Son Dakika

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